Friday, May 3, 2013

Precious Jewels for Your Hair - Diamond Oil

Most women I know like diamonds.  As the saying goes, "Diamonds are a girl's best friend." I agree. Diamonds are a symbol of love, commonly used as engagement rings, and are one of nature's most rare and expensive gifts.

So how about diamonds for your hair? Sounds fabulous, right?  Expensive you ask? Not at all! Redken has created Diamond Oil, a suite of product as luxurious as they sound. Diamond Oil products are silicone-free and contain nutrient rich oils to infuse and fortify hair, resulting in brilliantly shiny and incredibly strong hair.

It also smells amazing and is beautifully packaged.  Diamond Oil comes in two levels of leave-in treatment strength: Shatter Proof Shine and Shatter Proof Shine Intense for damaged hair.  Diamond Oil also is available in shampoo, conditioner and a super moisturizing hair masque. Use the entire product line and prepare for some seriously shiny hair.  You can try the entire new line at Innovations Salon.

Learn more about Diamond Oil and related products here!

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